"Illustration shows a chef labeled "Special Privilege" holding a large platter on which rests a huge turkey with the face of Theodore Roosevelt; he is about to place the platter on a table around which sit several men labeled "Cannon, Rockefeller, Archbold, Haskell, Payne, Dalzell, Elkins, Sherman, Foraker, Harrimen, Day, Rogers" and one unidentified man who looks like Nelson W. Aldrich."

Minding the GAPE – November 2019


A monthly roundup of Gilded Age and Progressive Era news articles and blog posts from around the web.

On W.E.B. Du Bois’ striking infographics

How Jim Crow compounded the grief of Black mothers whose sons were killed in WWI

Hunger: the battle that didn’t end with Armistice Day

Why Art Nouveau failed to flourish in the U.S.

The history of subversive samplers from the 1800s to today

Hands-on history: going beyond the books for the sensory experience of taxidermy

Why the Equal Rights Amendment is still not part of the Constitution

A brief history of Christmas shopping

Explore the history of the neighborhood around the National Archives Building

Myth and the making of Thanksgiving

Honoring Indigenous Civil War veterans in public spaces

The history of debutante balls and why they still matter to communities

Recentering the history of city planning and city-building in New York City with a regional lens

Explore contemporary Indigenous culture during Native American Heritage Month

On Chief Standing Bear and his landmark civil rights case

Review of a reproduction-centered history of colonialism and resistance


Cover image: A chef labeled “Special Privilege” carries a turkey with the face of Theodore Roosevelt to a table of men, including John D. Rockefeller. “Bringing in the Teddy-turk” by J. S. Pughe, Puck, v. 64, no. 1655 (1908 November 18), Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

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